So.. although my condo is in disorder.. I have been managing to make some good eats for me and the workers!!
Mass said he like guacamole... and I just happen to make a MEAN one...
No real recipe...
lime juice
+ food processor= heaven!!

And a MUST have it pita chips... I haven't made these in ages.. but they are SO easy.. and such a crowd pleaser!
Pita bread sliced in triangles
Olive Oil
Parmesan Cheese
use pastry brush to spread oil and spice on pita slices, sprinkle on parm.
broil as needed.

I tried to get a picture of the finished product.. but the boys ate most of it before I got my hands on the camera...

And for dinner...
Rice with Chicken in a mushroom, broccoli, garlic sauce & corn on the cob...

And for me...
Rice with veggie ground round- mexican flavour, fried with black beans, corn, salsa, guacamole and cheddar..