Sunday, March 23, 2014

Maple in the County!

We decided to check out Maple in the County, a local festival featuring Prince Edward County Maple Syrup Farmers.
To accommodate  people & pupsters, we decided to tour Three Dog Winery & Sugarbush which featured a 3km hike through the sugarbush, a marshmallow roast, fresh goodies, and was, of course, dog friendly.

We had a great time, although I think my poor pregnant body will be paying for it for a bit...

What wasn't on the website, was the fact that the hike was 3kms in and 3kms out... ok... 6kms. no big deal...

What we failed to consider was the fact that there has been about 1,000 feet of snow this winter, and the trail would hardly be plowed.  SO... what appeared to be a nice walk- was actually a little precarious.  Most of the way, we had to watch our step because the snow was about 4-5 feet deep, lol.

It was interesting... at least I got a good workout! And Z had a great time running around and testing all the sap!